WE CAN LIVE on mars, remember everything’s possible!

June 1st, 2012, “WE CAN LIVE on mars” is launching! I have finally took the decision to start my own business and to accelerate my own innovation path! Taking the opportunity to help others to become more innovative, by leveraging my 17 years of experiences within the digital space!

I am launching an innovation agency, specialized in Agile project management, process improvement and new technologies. No… not being an IT services company, but an innovation agency helping you to understand the value of new technologies and rather addressing your processes.

Helping you to become much more agile and fast. Coaching you to split your vision into achievable and valuable steps to deliver smaller components of your products, or services, on a much more regular basis. Making it possible to implement a continuous improvement based on the feedback of your customers. Overall, accelerating your innovation lifecycle and launching more and better new products or services!

At WE CAN LIVE on mars, I want our work being driven by a strong belief that any team with a vision, a plan, a willingness to deliver step by step and a lot of fun, can deliver merely the impossible. Therefore, we can live on mars… because we believe that everything’s possible!

Jérôme Perakis

Please find more information about us and more about our services in our web site.